Friday, December 27, 2013

He's growing!

Ross and I are impatient people.  We couldn't wait till his 2 week appointment to find out how much he had grown, so when he was a week old we got out the kitchen scale and the biggest tupperware container we have and weighed him.

Two weeks and a pound and a half later, he is quickly outgrowing our makeshift baby scale.  This might be the last of the home weigh-ins since he's getting so big and I have nothing else to weight him on besides a cookie sheet or a roasting pan.  Tupperware is where I draw the line!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Max's First Christmas

We finally got a family photo, and what better time than on Christmas Eve in front of the tree.  

We tried to get Ricky in the family photo but he didn't want to cooperate.  He was in the Christmas spirit though.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Max gets visitors

It was only a day after Max came home from the hospital that family started traveling miles to meet him.  

Grandma Prasek has the magic touch when it comes to soothing a screaming baby.

Grandma and Grandpa Prasek holding their sleepy Christmas elf.

Grandma Flagen and Max.  There is something about a grandma that can put a baby to sleep!

Max loves his Aunt Nicole!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Welcome to the world, Max!

It took a couple weeks to get this started but I finally got it going.  Since our family and friends live so far away and are not able to see Max grow, we decided a blog is the best way to keep everyone updated and spare the Facebook crowd from a constant stream of baby photos.  Though I can't imagine who wouldn't want to see photo after photo of this adorable face.

So here we go, the first entry in the blog!  Max Harold, born December 3rd, 7lb 3oz, just perfect and
cute as can be.  Less than an hour old and already very alert.

Day 2 in the hospital, proud dad admiring his handsome son.