Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Taking Care of Little Sister

He's always watching over her.

Bicycling her legs to help her tummy troubles (another one of those things he learned from watching mom).

He loves to give her hugs.

So happy to have a little sister.

Friday, July 10, 2015


She finally decided to open her eyes while I had the camera out.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July

We were really looking forward to impressing Max with some of the goodies from the fireworks shop.  We purchased a few things we were sure would produce lots of laughter and big smiles.  After waiting out the rain all day we moved the crew outside, camera in hand, ready to see his little face light up with excitement.

First we started off with mom's all time favorite, the smoke bombs.  He was only mildly entertained.  Even after mom and dad demonstrated how to run through the smoke he was still satisfied watching from a distance.

 Next we tried to kick it up a notch with some ground blooms.  
 Yes Max, that's not another smoke bomb!  This one took him by surprise.  Don't worry, no tears were shed.

Take three: parachutes.  Maybe he'll have more fun with something interactive.  He'll enjoy chasing them as they fall, right?  
Turns out dad had the most fun with this one.

 Max finally did find something entertaining...
...the rain gauge.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Audrey - One Month Old

 It's already been one month!  The time has gone by so quickly.  I would say we have made the transition to a family of four pretty well.  Audrey has made it easy considering she sleeps most of the time.  I was hoping to get photos of her awake, but if she wants to sleep I'm not going to argue with her.

Happy little dreams.