Monday, October 26, 2015

May the Force Be With You

We'll be celebrating Halloween at grandma and grandpa's this year which means Ricky won't be with us so I had to get the group photo a little early.

Happy Halloween!

Yoda, Wicket the Ewok, and R2-D2.

R2-D2 recently discovered her right foot and likes to keep pretty close track of it.

 I think he could pass as an ewok.

Ricky always gets a lot of treats for putting up with this crew.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Max's new skill of the week!

Audrey was just out of view of the camera so here's a couple pictures of her.  She spends a lot of her day rolling and scooting around on the blanket and everyday she gets stronger.  I'll post video of her soon.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Flower Child

 The hurricane lilies are popping up all over the yard and Max loves to pick them.  It's pretty nice to get a handful of flowers from this little gentleman.

Friday, October 2, 2015


Aunt Chantal paid us a visit and you all know what that means.

Just a couple of "lady" bugs sitting in the sunshine.

Up, up and away!

This little stink bug didn't want to cooperate.

 The hat that was intended for Max fit Ricky perfectly.