Six months plus a couple days! Audrey is a little mover. If Max leaves a toy on the floor that she thinks is interesting (which is all of them) she will army crawl to it and give it a taste. In the past week she has become really good at sitting up. She's getting so strong! She's also showing a lot more interest in Ricky now that she can get to him.
It was a big day that started off with cookies for breakfast (after normal breakfast) and an hour of sitting on the front porch watching cars drive by. He got out of taking a nap, much to mom's displeasure, but some things you can get away with on your birthday.
We had a little party and made Max his favorite meal for dinner.
Then followed it up with a tractor cake, which he was very excited about.
Maybe a little too excited. He tried crawling out of the high chair to get to it.
It was delicious.
Then it was time to open presents. He was over the moon!
After the birthday party he was treated to watching a movie on mom and dad's bed. He fell asleep 15 minutes into it. Pretty good way to end the day.