Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Splish Splash

This kid is fascinated with water.  Everyday when we go outside he heads straight for the hose and holds it over the baby pool, waiting for me to fill it up.

Carefully using the pail to fill up the jugs. 

 Now pouring water from one jug to another before dumping it all back in the pool and starting the process over again...for the next hour.

 You don't need pool toys when you have an empty flower pot and an imagination.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Max and his chicks

We recently added three chicks to our family of chickens.  They are too small to put in the coop with the rest of the chickens (one of the hens isn't very nice) so we keep them in the shed under a heat lamp.  Max takes us in there several times a day to say hi to them and give them a little love.

Disclaimer: No chicks were harmed in the making of this video.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Everyone looking at the camera and smiling, it's a Mother's Day miracle!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Visit from the Grandparents

Like I said in the last post, things have been busy here and in the past month I didn't get the camera out much.  Ross's parents visited us for a week and I only took pictures twice!  Gah!  I don't have much to show from their visit but I did get pictures of them with the grandkids and Max was smiling.  Let me tell you, not an easy feat.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Audrey, 11 Months Old

April was a pretty busy month for us.  Between yard work, gardening, visitors, and keeping two small humans alive there wasn't a lot of time to do anything else.  I don't see this month being any less hectic but I will try my best to post more often.

Audrey is just one month away from her first birthday!  She's an all around sweet little lady who is happy with just about everything, eats more than her brother, and likes to party all night.

Finally!  Got that silly bow out of my hair.