Monday, December 18, 2017

Party Bus

These days it's pretty dark when Max gets dropped off at 3:45.  Good thing his bus is decorated with twinkle lights on the inside.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Visit to North Pole

We took the kids to North Pole and Santa Claus's House for the first time.  Santa is a busy guy and we had to wait an hour to see him.  We explored the gift shop and picked out ornaments while we waited.  Audrey made herself at home on Santa's chair while he went outside to feed the reindeer.  By the time we saw Santa, Audrey was pretty sleepy and not interested. Max wasn't shy about crawling in his lap and chatting.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Max's 4th Birthday

I didn't take many pictures because I wanted to enjoy the day with him.  I did manage to take a few of him with his cake!

Max started off his birthday with presents and pancakes.  In the afternoon we had a party for him with his friends from preschool.  There were about 10 kids that came, along with their parents.  The party was firetruck themed and we had games for the kids.  Everyone had a really good time!  We ate pizza and cake and the kids wore themselves out.