Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Max's Room

We spread out all his toys for him on the living room floor (blocks, legos, stuffed animals, musical toys, trucks, EVERYTHING) and sit him in front of it.  What does he do?  Stand up and run to his room.  He knows which room is his and that's where he likes to play.  Who needs toys when you can make up your own games?

There he goes!

The first thing he does when he gets in his room is throw himself onto a pile of pillows.  Originally there was just one pillow here.  In all his excitement he would sometimes miss the pillow and hit the wall, so we added a little more padding.

Spying on me through the slats of the crib.

Time to pull the blanket out of the crib...

...and drag it around the room.

Where's Max?

There he is!

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