Friday, August 14, 2015

Bye Bye, Heat Wave!

The temperature finally dropped and today it's nice enough to get outside and play!  And by "dropped" I mean it is only 92 degrees.  We have been stuck inside for a month and it felt so good to get fresh air.  It's so weird to have cabin fever in the summer.

Max quickly got to work doing a little art on the concrete.

Audrey and Ricky laid in the shade and did some cloud gazing.

"That cloud looks like a puppy!"

"There's another puppy!  And another one!"

Didn't take long for Max to get dirty.

Dirt on the back of the neck, too?  You have to really try hard to get this dirty.

He's having fun so I'm not going to stop him.  That's what soap is for!

 Let's check back on Audrey.

 This girl knows how to relax on a summer day outside.

Since little sister is asleep and we're already a mess, might as well get out the sand table.  Yes, that little pink blob on the left is Audrey living the life.

A few minutes on the swing with mom and his eyes started to glaze over.  Little guy is worn out.
Mission accomplished.

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