Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Projects and Procrastination

Audrey has been residing in our bedroom her entire 7 months of life, mostly because of laziness on my part.  Taking two steps from our bed to her crib in the middle of the night is just so easy!  Plus I hadn't prepared a room for her yet (second child, what can I say?).  Monday I drew the line and kicked her out.  I still didn't have anything for her room but quickly came up with a list of projects to get started on.

Then I got a new camera lens in the mail.  I got sidetracked.

Max is always a good model.

"Hey little sister!".  I know, I probably shouldn't let him climb on the crib but he was making her giggle.  How can I stop that?

Not even a smile.  Just one picture then I'll get back to decorating, I promise!

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