Monday, September 5, 2016


I know, it's been two months since I posted anything.  Things have been a little hectic around here for a while.  Ross was gone for two weeks for work in July.  A few days after he came home I went on a two week road trip with the kids.  Once we got home there was a lot to catch up on around the house.  It took a while but now we are back into a normal routine, which means I will be posting more often!

Labor Day weekend we took the kids on their first camping trip.  As usual we went into it expecting the worst but hoping for the best.  And, as usual, we surprised ourselves that we survived another adventure with toddlers.    

Our beautiful campsite was right on the lake.  Audrey was more interested in the rocks than the view.

They did NOT want to sit still for a photo.  There's too much exploring to do.

Breakfast by the lake.  This is how every day should start.

Big rocks are meant to be climbed on.

No surprise here.

Trying my best to turn him into a little fish!  He got the hang of kicking his feet and swimming towards me.

Max had no fear swimming far from shore.  Lifeguard Ricky always swam out to check on us.

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